So I don't have an outfit to post today. This is because instead of going home after church today to take outfit pictures, Matt and I wasted a few hours at Marshalls & TJ Maxx (the two stores where great clothes go to end up in Lynette's closet). I often take photos of clothing pieces that I'm not sure of so that I can go home and look at them and try to figure out what my go with that piece in my closet, or if it just won't fit into my closet well at all. So who wants to see a few things that I tried on? All of you?! GREAT! Proceed.
I've been seeing eyelet skirts and tops everywhere this spring, and I remembered spotting a bright orange-y red one at Marshalls recently. Thankfully, it was still there when I stopped by. But unthankfully, it ran small and didn't have the next size up. As you can see, it fits in the waist without causing "overspill" (ew), but if you stand with your feet kind of apart and you see the material of the skirt stretching across your thighs like that, size up. And if you can't size up because the store doesn't have it in stock, frown about it.
I have a decent amount of skirts, but I've been itching for a few patterned skirts this spring to kind of liven up my wardrobe a bit, especially since I wear skirts at least 3-4 days a week. The skirt is navy blue and light blue, if you can't tell, and fits very nicely. I almost passed it up because it has a seam running down the middle in the front and little slit pockets in the back, but despite those facts, I bought it. It was only 16.99! I'm kinda nervous about it (patterned? NAVY? we're talking scary stuff here, my friends), but hey, that's what receipts are for.
The top is so cute. I've been wanting a peplum top AND a mint top, and I thought I'd killed two birds with one stone when I found this top. Except here's the thing. Sleeveless tops make my armpits very nervous. I am one of those lucky girls that has "armpit fat", and it is visible when I wear tank tops. It's wayyy better than it used to be when I was heavier, and you probably can't notice much in this picture (see the left shoulder), but it just made me too nervous to buy it, knowing that it wouldn't look great with a blazer over it and so I'd have to wear it on it's own. It is sooo darn cute though, so I may go back and buy it and just let the world judge my armpits. YOLO.
Another scary subject: shorts. I'm pretty sure I developed some serious thighs by the time I was, oh, eleven. And have not really worn shorts ever since. Seriously. I don't own a single pair. Last summer after finally losing the last of the 50 pounds I intended on losing, I thought I'd have awesome blossom thighs, but guess what? This girl is just built like an athlete, and these thighs are just beefy. These shorts were almost a winner though! They're Calvin Klein, and they weren't ultra short (the angle makes them look short but they weren't too short), they were super comfy, and I almost didn't feel huge in them. I think if I'd had a few good coats of self-tanner on my legs, I might've walked out with these shorts. I'm still possibly considering going back for them. Again, I don't want to avoid shorts my whole life because I'm afraid someone's going to notice that my thighs aren't super skinny. I mean, duh. I'm sure I'm not fooling anyone in my skinny jeans, so what's the difference? Yeah?

If anyone of you follow me on Instagram,
you may have seen my frustration last week when I tried on 3 beautiful dresses at TJ Maxx, all of which were Cynthia Rowley, and all of which were too big. They were all size Smalls, and I was praying that when I walked into TJ Maxx this week that there'd be an XS waiting around a corner for me (I'm only an XS up top due to lack of a chest, guys... my bottom half is a generous size 4/6 or medium. Thanks, thighs.). Anyway, there was not. But another type of Cynthia Rowley dress was there, in a size small, and it looks like it ran a tiny bit smaller, so I tried it on, and BAM. I don't think a dress has ever fit me this well since my wedding dress. It's like it was literally made for me. I tried it on in green first, but then remembered it came in black too, and had to grab that as well. Part of me wanted to buy both, but at $30 a pop (I know, so expensive, right?), I only wanted to walk out with one. The black ended up winning me over because of it's versatility, and though the green was so interesting, it was definitely "green screen" green, which is sorta unflattering. So say hello to my newest little black dress! It's a structured and incredibly well-made dress that I'm sure you'll see on the blog soon.
That's all I have for you guys today! Hope you all had a lovely weekend. :)