

Eight dollar dress.

Dress: Target Jacket: Forever 21 Necklace: Forever 21 Belt: Charlotte Russe Heels: Payless

For being a dress that I was so apathetic about when I found it, I sure have fallen in love with this dress. Granted, I've pretty much just been wearing it in this exact outfit, but I have a feeling it could be quite re-mixable if I put any amount of effort into it. This was a dress I found on clearance at Target for around $8, and you know how it goes at Target. Pretty much anything in your size under $10 on the clearance rack at Target comes home with you, am I right? 

Speaking of cheap clothes, the jacket I'm wearing was only $15 as well. I found it on a trip to Chicago over the summer. I can barely fit my burly biceps in it anymore (har har) but turns out that fake pleather jackets give quite a bit if you're as unrelenting as me and my biceps are. ;)


  1. Love the look! I've got a leather jacket I need to break out.

  2. Can you send me every piece of your outfit? Because I want it all. Seriously. Did you get that dress seriously? I went to Target today for the first time in ages because a colleague of mine was all "no you have to go, they have such cute stuff now" and I went and guess what I got to see? Nothing. Because there were a bunch of women with their shopping carts just standing in front of the clearance racks. Thanks to the Starbucks sipping soccer moms, I went home empty handed.

  3. My favorite and the most versatile dresses usually end up being really cheap - which is weird. One day I'll spend $60 *blushes* for a dress that I wear three times a year, and then I spend $9 for a dress I wear 20 times a year. Yours is beautiful, and I love the heels.

  4. That is an awesome dress and I love how you styled it. I am in love with your pumps & jacket. Tres Chic!

    I am seriously happy you are back. Check out the last few posts for my comments. =)

  5. This is so cute! For $8?! It is beautiful and so are those shoes!

  6. My Target always has stuff on clearance too, and I always make sure at least one thing under $10 comes home with me each time . That blue dress looks awesome on you (but c'mon what doesn't look awesome on ya?!). Enough about the dress though... that belt... I need it. Stick it in the mail and send it to Louisiana pronto. Thanks! ;)

    <3 danielle

  7. Oh my gosh, I can't leave a Target without spending at least $50, it's so bad! Anyway, that dress is absolutely gorgeous and I love a good floral mixed with some edgier pieces. Also, I've been looking for a belt just like that for the holidays, might have to go check out Charlotte Russe now!

  8. Please send me this dress when you get sick of it. I WANTS IT.

    p.s. missed you, pretty lady! glad you're back to blogging :)

  9. The best thing about shopping is when you get really great deals on even greater looking dresses like this one. You look so super pretty Lynette :-) Love the gold hardware for some extra egdiness here

