


(Who can see Matt in the door reflection, photographing me?! Oh and hi, ashtray, we were in too much of a rush to move you out of the way...)

Blazer: H&M, $28
Top: Rue 21, $22
Skirt: Old
Bracelet: Charlotte Russe, $6
Shoes: Love Culture, $10
Purse: H&M, $28

Thanks for weighing in on yesterday's post about the navy jacket! I can always count on you guys to solve all of my clothing-related problems for me. ;)

Who's ready for more confusing clothing pieces? I spotted this ombré top at Rue 21 this past fall and fell immediately in love and refused to leave the store without it. I was certain I'd wear it constantly and love it and feel so trendy in it because, well, ombré. Enough said, right?


This shirt looks very strange not tucked in, because it's sheer and looks strange with a tank top under it. I guess just seeing the harsh line of the bottom of the tank top under the ombré bottom of the sheer shirt just doesn't line up well with each other. I should've photographed it to prove my point, but hopefully you understand. Don't get me wrong, I think this shirt is cute. I'm just confused by it. Like most other normal, non-threatning clothing items in my closet. Basically if something is not a black blazer or a pair of heels, I'm not sure what to do with it. Other than this. And this.

As you all know, I am always open for suggestion. :)

Also, for anyone interested in the personal life of Lynette... for the last month, I've been studying for my real estate license (which is a lot of why I was MIA a lot last month!).... And as of about 8pm tonight... I'm officially a real estate agent! You can all call me Agent Lynette from now on, if that's okay with you. It's okay with me. :)


  1. I love this outfit. I literally just did a post with a hot pink blazer. I guess great minds think alike.


  2. Congratulations, agent Lynette! I'd buy a house from you any day! :)

    And that top is super pretty - love the colors on you! Did you try it with one of those sheer bralette-type-mechanisms? I'm never bold enough to pull them off, but maybe it solves your harsh tank line problem?


  3. Congrats, Agent Lynette! I might just wanna call you Ayngelnette from now on. Is your post supposed to rhyme with OLE! ? Because that's all I can hear in my head right now. Anyway, I think the ombre is subtle enough that you could do anything with it; tuck it in, leave it out, pair it with a skirt or jeans. I hear you on how sheerness can be a pain. In such a case, sometimes I'll embrace it and just wear a print cami underneath.

    After following one link to another on your blog, you said yourself that Pinterest is good for figuring out how to wear things (see shoedazzle review post). Have you looked there?

    PS: put some socks on. It's way too cold out to be wearing open toe shoes ;)

  4. Congratulations Agent Lynette! I hope you get to sell lots of properties! It is a really interesting career =)

    Simple Charm Beauty

  5. Congrats to you! Hard work always pays off, way to go Agent Lynette!!

  6. Congratulations, Lynette!

    As for the shirt, I never know how to wear sheer shirts without the camisole underneath sticking out like a sore thumb, so I generally shy away from them. And I totally get the "line" from the bottom of the cami against the bottom of your pants unless your pants/skirt are the same color as the cami. I'm no help, sorry!

  7. Oh my goodness girl, congrats on becoming a real estate agent! You are going to do so great :)

  8. i will definitely be calling you agent lynette! and giiiiirl you know i love that blazer. i wouldn't know what to do with that top either because A. sheer B. flowy and C. ombre. all of those things sound pretty boho to me, though, so maybe jeans instead of the skirt and a dangly necklace instead of the blazer (since we all know that's my equation for boho)?

    loving the little bracelet!

    xo nicole

  9. Congrats! That is very cool!

    Maybe wear it as a summer jacket? I have a sheer (mint) maxi dress with a built in skirt so the bottom isn't sheer, but the top is. I also can't wear a tank top coz it has an open back. So what I've done is looked for a bandeau (you know, those boob tube things) in a similar or clashing colour and I wear them underneath. Maybe you can try that? I hope that helps! I'll keep looking at the other suggestions for myself :P

  10. First of all, yay!! And congrats on becoming an agent! Want to help us sell our house in NC? Haha - no really :)

    Second, I love the colors in this blouse & can totally picture it with blue or white denim. Have you tried a nude cami that matches your skin tone or does that still show through?

  11. I love the ombre trend- this shirt is so pretty! And congrats!!!

  12. congrats on getting your license! I'm thinking about getting mine sometime down the road

  13. Congrats! What a fashionable real estate agent you will be :)

  14. I'm kinda in love with this outfit. The ombré and the pink blazer look fab together! maybe you could tuck it into some white jeans? With a cute belt? and congrats agent Lynette!!

    <3 Danielle

  15. I sometimes have issues about what to wear under a sheer blouse. It's like every sheer blouse is different and needs its own special under garment. It gets annoying. I love this look! I think you paired it well with that skirt and pink blazer. Congrats on getting your license! That is awesome!


    Fashion and Beauty Finds

  16. woohoo! congrats girl!

    as for the shirt, i totally have the same issue with untucked sheers! its so annoying, i mean, what do you do?

    either way, i love the shirt tucked & you're rockin' that pink blazer like nobody's biddness!

    -natalie- (p.s. having a giveaway this week!)

  17. AWWW CONGRATS! That is so exciting! :) Best wishes to Agent Lynette :) I hope you make lots of home sales and lots of people happy! I love this ombre top, but I get what you mean... I have a couple sheer tops in my closet as well that I love, but tank tops always look so awkward underneath. I need a new solution for some of these tops!

  18. Congrats Aagent Lynette!! :) Happy for you. This top is hard, it would only look good not tucked in with a pair of jeans I think. I like how subtle it is, it is nice and I see why you bought it!

    XO Chelsea

  19. I so love how subtle the fade is in that ombre shirt -- sometimes the fade is too quick for me! Also, congratulations Agent Lynette!
    grey et al

  20. Congratulations! That's such exciting news!
    Loving your outfit! The ombre shirt is adorable and I love how you tucked it in. I don't really know how else you could solve your problem, but I still love it tucked!


  21. LOVE your bright pink blazer + your ombre top is so cute for spring!


  22. Great top! This must have been hot pink blazer week because I've seen at least 5 other bloggers who wore it (including me)!

    Congrats on your new status!


  23. So brave of you to wear open toes in this crummy weather! And you look fabulous :)

    Congrats on getting your REL!

    With Love From, B

  24. AH! I'm catching up on blogs and just saw that you got your real estate license!! Congrats, my dear!! How exciting :)

  25. Pink blazer = adorable! So cute with the light pink blouse underneath!

    Erin Leigh
