

Emotional eating and other whines.

Top: Love Culture, $11
Jeans: Rue 21, $9
Boots: Old Navy, $30
Necklace: Forever 21, $8

Do any of you have that pair of pants that fits so perfectly (and by perfectly I mean they fit exactly at that weight you're at, and not one pound higher) that you can tell if you've gained weight just by putting them on? That's these pants.

I said it recently, but ever since my trip to Atlanta a few weeks ago, my diet has been all out of whack. Kristine describes it perfectly here, but it's like as soon as something in my life becomes stressful or out of place, it seriously affects my diet. And once I start eating poorly, it's just like I keep doing it. I don't just mess up for one day, I'll mess up for the whole week. It's really bad, it's compulsive, and just reflective of my afore mentioned addictive behavior to food. So this week, when I put these pants on, they were very obviously snug. Which, since these jeans literally have never had a lot of give in them for me, is not too big of a deal. But it just sucks putting on your normal clothes and realizing "Welp. The nachos I had three times last week certainly counted." And looking at the scale and seeing that inflated number due to added water weight (and nachos) is not fun either.

So this week, ever since Monday, I've been doing the first four days of this diet. You can read about it if you want, so I won't go into the details of it other than to say I've been living off of fruits and veggies for the last two days, and will be doing the same today. So yeah, I'm kind of grumpy. These photos were taken in the morning on day one of the diet, so I was still a happy girl.

I don't even know where I'm going with this post. My brain is a little frazzled. Must be the effects of eating all fruits and veggies. I have to say, this is really less about weight loss (I know how to lose weight. I don't need to starve myself to do it!) and more about getting in control of my eating again. I don't know how I let myself get so out of hand sometimes. It usually starts with sugar. I like healthy eating, as long as I can treat myself with something sweet once in a while. Which, under stressful situations, will start becoming more often than "once in a while". And then it's not even a treat anymore, it's something I compulsively grab when I'm stressed or want to be in control or something. I don't know. I did not mean for all of this to come pouring out of me when I started this post, so I'll stop now. Enjoy my face and the clothes I wore on Monday.


  1. This is a really cute outfit and I LOVE those jeans. $9?! I need to go shopping with you :)

    And we all have those times when our diets or just healthy living gets off track. I was doing really well this year with eating and then during my birthday it went out the window. I felt like it took me a WHOLE MONTH to get back on track. And man, talking about nachos is really making me hungry... Nachos are my favorite!

  2. Oh, Lynette... this is the story of my life! And I'm currently paying for my bad habits the last few weeks. Somehow I put on 8 pounds... out of nowhere! I've lost two of them this week and I MUST keep going. Thanks for the inspiration and reminder to stay focused. It's hard being a girl that has to analyze every single bite, but it's better than being a girl that has no self-control! :) Happy Wednesday, Sister!

  3. Love the new location! (and your outfit, duh!)

  4. I love this outfit, first of all. And I SO know what you mean about one "splurge" becoming two, and four, and sixteen. It's crazy! I tried a juice cleanse from this local granola-y place a few months ago (not to lose weight, like you said, just to try and do something healthy for my body), and it was the most torturous thing I've ever been through in my life. Sooo good luck with that diet! Sounds way better than the one I tried. :)

    See Mo Go.

  5. First off this outfit is amazing, I love the jeans, boots and color combo of the shirt and jacket. I know how you feel, and I think this post is a great outlet! I recently stopped eating all my veggies, I need to get back in it, and about your jeans not fitting exactly how you want, I feel you with that as well! I truly love reading your posts everyday, I hope it helps to write it out and if you every need anything, I am here! Going to read your Diet link now!

    XO Chelsea

  6. This outfit is BEAUTIFUL! You totally have me inspired right now ;) I love the sheer top paired with a solid blazer!

    As for weight loss and all that good stuff, I'm like you. If I go bad for a day, it's for the whole week.
    I say I eat pretty good but it's not the greatest. Especially when I sneak in a few oreos here and there ;)

  7. I love this outfit!! I've never shopped at Love Culture, but I think I've seen you credit that brand a couple other times before, and everything always seems so unbelievably cheap! Is it semi-okay quality, aka Forever 21ish? Just wondering before I order anything in I regret in wrong sizes or something haha. Thanks for sharing though, and I'm not sure if I've commented before, but your blog makes me smile & you always look so damn pretty! :)

    1. Love Culture is similar quality as Forever 21... sometimes a tiny bit worse, but generally about the same. As with F21, you just have to pick and choose the pieces you buy based on their quality!

  8. Oh goodness, we are so similar. Everything you've written about food, exercise, weight, etc. has completely resonated with me (although, you are much farther along in your journey and have been more successful than me at this point!). I do GREAT with food and exercise when I'm on a routine and when things are going smoothly, but when one little hiccup occurs in my life, everything falls apart. I'm trying to get a better grasp on this. When I make the effort to consciously make a meal plan (and stick to it), I do great. It is so frustrating sometimes, though.

    Your outfit is so beautiful! I love every single piece of it, the boots, the shirt, the blazer, the lovely!!! Honestly, do you ever not look adorable?!

  9. I typed up a long story and then lost it. Long story short: I hear you on this one. I've heard having an accountabili-buddy (someone who keeps you accountable) really helps. I've tried to make my husband my buddy, but it doesn't work (I might yell at him to get off my case, and he will). If you ever need one or want to come up with some sort of plan, I'd be interested. Either way, congrats on making it past the first day of that awful-looking diet. I hate bananas so it looks like nothing more than "operation starvation" for me.

  10. I love the red white and blue outfit!!! Super cute!!! You look amazing!! I have such a weakness for sweets! I have such a big sweet tooth! It's so hard to say no when someone offers a treat or dessert to me! Haha! You go girl!!

  11. Don't be so hard on yourself :) Sometimes we fall off the wagon with our eating habits. I ate a whole pack of Peeps today! I felt guilty after, but realized that I enjoyed them and I will do better tomorrow :) You look really adorable in this outfit by the way! Heather

  12. I LOVE this top! Oh the pressures of dieting, I try to eat healthy during the week and then splurge when it come time for the weekend. Lately, I've said screw it all together, bring on the chocolate covered bananas and potato chips. :)

    xo, Megan
    indie flower

  13. I understand COMPLETELY. 90% of my pants don't fit me because I've gained 10+ pounds. And it's my fault because they were probably too tight to begin with. And now nothing fits. I don't care that I've gained wait...I just can't go out and buy a whole new know what I'm sayin lol? Anyways, these fit you perfectly! They are so not tight! I LOVE THIS LOOK! One of my favorites! You look gorgeous darliN!

  14. Umm yes story of my life! I am a huge chocoholic and turn to it whenever I'm stressed, bored, you name it. Which is basically every day. It's a vicious cycle. Then I think- why are my jeans so tight?! UGH! (If I want to wear my colored denim, I know I have to be good a couple days beforehand and watch what I eat otherwise I'll feel like I'm in a girdle all day lol!)

  15. I think we can all relate to this- but trust that you look beautiful, and I'm sure you're already back on track as I type this. :)

    Love those boots and the sheer stripes. Hope you have a happy weekend!


  16. This is my first time on your blog and I am now your newest follower! I love this outfit and cant wait to see more inspirations for you.


  17. I totally have a pair of pants like that! If I eat one big meal, my pants feel a little too tight. lol. Love this look! You look amazing (as always)!

  18. Today, I was talking to my aunt through the bluetooth in my car. (Husband was driving and inserting his commentary. Shocker.) She told me that she did some research on my recently diagnosed condition and said the doctor told her three things: "No gluten, no sugar, and no dairy." Right before the conversation, I shoved a cupcake (gluten free but certainly not sugar free) into my mouth. The fact that my husband will now stare at me if I even think about a cupcake just makes matters worse. Dangit, sometimes my day just drives me to eat a freaking cupcake, and why can't I? The situation makes me want to have a pity party and eat cake. In other words, I feel your pain.

    By the way, I really like these black boots. And this striped shirt (who could resist stripes?). And your always lovely hair.


  19. This is so cute! Love it.

  20. I LOVE this outfit! And your hair always looks so perfect! I'm a little jealous.

    I've totally been there with the eating thing. We all have those busy weeks where before you know it, you've just eaten three entire Chipotle burritos in three days. Aaaand as a write this, I'm sitting next to a pile of brownies, resisting the urge to eat a second one.

    Maybe I should try your cleanse diet.

  21. I've been dieing to catch up with you! Geez, I've missed you this week!! First off, love the colors...super cute and fun outfit :) secondly, thanks for the shout out! You know I know all about what you're going through an how the goal is not to loose weight but just live better. Happy chicken and tomato day!!! Womp, womp!
