

Hello there.

Hello my dear friends. I've been gone for nearly 4 days. Did you miss me? Do you remember me? I'm the blogger who incessantly wears pink, complains about winter and steals ideas from her blog friends. Even after all that, you still stayed? I'm honored.

What I've been doing since Friday:
  • Working
  • Singing at church for hours
  • So many errands and appointments.
  • Finally getting my last name changed. Only took 5 months of marriage. Whoops.
  • Not blogging because my husband is cute & distracting

Also, Gossip Girl may have had something to do with this. Or a lot to do with this.

But back to blogging! Hi, look, I put on clothes for you all.

Just kidding. The reason I put on clothes was for work. But you guys were a close second.

Blazer: H&M, $30
Top: H&M, $30
Jeans: Rue 21, $9
Heels: Target, $15
Bag: Target, $9

I wanted a white blazer for a year before finally purchasing this one earlier this summer. At first I really enjoyed the short length of the jacket, but it makes styling it rather annoying at times. It looks lovely when paired with a dress, but just short when paired with pants. But I liked it with this extra long black tunic. 

I also spent ten minutes inside my closet trying to decide what else to pair with this outfit because it "just looked too boring to go on the blog".  But after throwing around all my jewelry and scarves, I gave up. Because this is what I wanted to wear, and if I wasn't blogging, this is what I would've contentedly walked out of the house wearing. Even if I am missing a scarf or a statement necklace. 

Anyone else ever feel pressured to impress because you're a style or fashion blogger? Please tell me I'm not the only one who's boring by design... ;)


  1. OMG I'M SO GLAD YOU'RE ALIVE! I was getting worried. And by that I mean I actually said to myself when signing into Blogger this morning, "huh - haven't seen a Lynette Marie post in a while" and then got distracted by Kendi Everyday. So the uje.

    And second of all - yes. I feel like that all the time! Occasionally I'll even go with the hub to take pics and he'll say "that's what you're wearing?" and then I go put on two more accessories. Or four.

    Love those fab Target heels BTW.


    1. Oh my mo. <3 I'm alive! Just took a very long weekend. ;)

      Matt even tried helping with this outfit because he thought it almost wasn't blog worthy either. Honestly, blogging has caused me to accessorize a lot more than I used to. Which I love! But sometimes I just wanna put on a belt and go!

  2. I love that you're clothing is so affordable. (: And I LOVE H&M so it just makes it even better.

    1. Thanks! My budget doesn't make room for anything too high-end, so I love finding a good deal!

  3. oh thanks GOD. I thought a hole in Michigan swallowed you up and you were never coming back! phew, that was a close one.

    I like your outfit and I think it has just enough going on without needing all.the.things. Of course all of us who take pictures of our outfits and put them out there for everyone to judge feel a bit of pressure, I think that's normal. and you know, I think it's a good kind of pressure as long as you are staying true to yourself. blogging has made me push myself to be more "put together" that I feel comfortable in, but I'm not over-dressing for the blog. Does that make sense?

    probably not.

    I'm just glad you are alive! ;)

    1. Hahahahaha no lethal holes, I'm alive! ;)
      And you make sense. At the end of the day, if I get laughed out of the blogging world because I didn't wear enough scarves, then at least I'll still be a stylish receptionist to the people at work. You can't win 'em all, right? ;)

  4. You look FAB as always! Love the blazer ecspecially with the long tunic! I think your outfit is spot on. Such a classic look and those red heels def call for some attention :)
    I really like how you mentioned the weird "pressure" to impress//pull it all together. I feel that the real should always shine through. You work with what you got whether it be accessories or time. We're not all looking for the "complete" look...just inspiration with some room for imagination!

    1. Thank you Kristine!
      And I like your take on this. Sometimes when getting dressed it's hard to think "What do I feel like wearing today?" vs. "What do my readers want to see me wear today?". And sometimes the latter has caused me to come up with wonderful looks that I love, but sometimes it has caused me to stomp my feet and demand my husband take me shopping. Sad... and true. LOL

  5. Love the burgundy heels! I wish i could wear high heels, but my legs give me a hard time whenever I try! On top of that, I'm SHORT! i mean super short at 5'2''! It is so unfair!
    Yes, we sure did miss you, Lynette!
    Juneli from Fashionably Yours

    1. 5'2"! You little thing you! But that means you're not usually taller than everyone when you wear heels! I tower over just about everyone at work, men included, in my ferocious little heels. I think after years of wearing them, I've beaten my feet and heels into submission. I can wear just about any shoe for any period of time and can frequently be found running (literally running) around the office at work in high heels. :)
      Thanks Juneli! )

  6. I wish I had cute dressy clothes like yours! With being in college for nursing, I can't say I have the cutest business-casual attire. Gorgeous as always!

    1. I'm lucky to have somewhere to dress up for. I love working in an office!

  7. I'm always...ALWAYS feeling that pressure. So many outfits haven't made it to my blog because I felt they weren't good enough! You're totally not alone:)! I love your white blazer! I have one...but it's linen...and was not as sturdy/long lasting as I had hoped! Your pumps are pretty too:)!

    1. Well you constantly look effortlessly gorgeous! You always look like you rolled out of bed looking stunning. Seriously! <3

  8. I love that your nails match your heels. Was that on purpose? Let's say it was and that it makes it possible for this outfit to be just enough without looking like too much. I feel the need to share with you that my eyes got cartoon character wide when I saw this white blazer - STUNNING. I need one asap.

    Nicole @ Sequined Patterns

    1. Hahahahaha YES! I found this nail polish at my mom's and was like MOM I GOTTA USE THIS IT MATCHES MY HEELS. And then I wore those heels every day that I could while wearing that polish. I even got comments at work about it. Sweet, sweet victory.
      & thanks, Nicole! Makes me feel better knowing that someone else likes it!

  9. You know we're always impressed with your style whatever you wear, I love those heels, I was so jealous when you bought them that they weren't in Australian targets, they look great!

    Zoe xx

  10. You look gorgeous as usual! Most of my outfit posts are casual, and that's fine with me. I hate when people go so over-the-top just to impress other people or bloggers. Keep doing what you're doing!

  11. 1) yay you're back!
    2) if given the chance, i would wear a long, loose, soft white t-shirt and leggings. forever. just kidding [kind of]. but the whole fun part [or what some may call pressure] of blogging and dreaming up outfits, whether they be simple or floral + camo + stripes, is expressing yourself through how you show yourself to the [whole wide] world. and maybe even step out of your comfort zone a little.

    so think of it as art, not pressure! plus you always look great :)

    [written as i sit at work in an over-sized aztec print cardigan. and maybe a white t-shirt]


    1. For whatever reason, I'd given up on leggings since high school. Until about two weeks ago. When I accidentally came across an old pair of black leggings, and now I'm wearing the absolute crap out of them. To the gym, out and about.. basically any time I know my butt is covered, I'm wearing leggings. So comfortable!

      & thanks for the sweet comment! It's so great having such supportive blog friends!

  12. I just recently found your blog and I am SO HAPPY that I did. I am 21 years old and I just got my first internship, where I actually have to dress like an adult. I have been finding it SO DIFFICULT because I feel like the majority of the time when I try on longer hemlines and "work appropriate" clothes I look silly, like I am trying to dress up in my mother's clothes. But I have pages and pages of inspiration looking through all your photos! You are THE BEST!

    1. Dressing like an adult is FUN! As long as adults wear a lot of pink and high heels and hair extensions. Oh wait, they don't? Oh man.

      Honestly though, I think they key to having "adult" outfits not make you look matronly and "old" is fit and color. Your pencil skirt doesn't have to be gray. It can be blue. Or striped. Your blazer can be tight and tailored to fit your waist. You can wear costume jewelry. Berry colored heels are encouraged. At least by me. ;)

      Thanks so much for the comment, Katie!

  13. i'm so glad this is the first post i read this morning. i started my day with a laugh, which was not really the plan, so yay!
    i definitely have bloggable/non bloggable outfits. i feel like about 50% of what i wear wouldn't be interesting on the blog, so i just don't, which makes me sad. i love your outfit and i think it's entirely bloggable and interesting. no shame in blogging what you really wore!

    1. Glad I could make you smile, pretty lady! I have to say, blogging has definitely made me a better dresser and more efficient shopper, which I am sooo happy about. The pressure has pro's and cons. Thanks for the support though! <3

  14. Adorable heels and I love your blazer and belt! So cute :) And you just made me laugh out loud haha! I bet it feels great to have your name changed finally! And I <3 Gossip Girl, it can definitely take up a lot more time than blogging ;)

    1. Hahaha it just feels great to know that I won't be stopped at airport security when my ticket says one thing and my ID says another. Whoops! Lesson learned. You can pretend you changed your last name with everyone... except TSA.

  15. You look so great in this outfit! Loving the shoes. :)

  16. I think your look is perfect just the way it is. I think we all feel that way sometimes!!

  17. I think you ok super cute, but I totally understand about wanting an outfit to be blog worthy. This definitely is :) your hubby is becoming quite the photographer too, what a champ!

  18. I love that white blazer! And yes I totally relate... I feel like such a sham most times b/c I live in sweats when I'm not at work :)

    Pearls & Paws

  19. Super cute blazer! I love how you paired the longer tunic with the short blazer. I was looking for a white blazer for the longest time as well, and settled on a boxy Banana Republic one, that I wore like, two times and now I just don't really like anymore. I wish I had held out for a better one :(

    I used to feel pressure to "dress up" for my blog, like, accessorize more, or wear heels instead of the flats I wore everyday, but now I look back and cringe at those pictures because I was just trying too hard and it wasn't my real style (whatever that is). Now I don't really care about needing to impress readers or "fit in" with the other bloggers. I just dress for myself, haha!

    1. Who invented boxy blazers? What kind of girl looks good in a boxy blazer? I don't get why they would do such a confusing thing as to put boxy blazers in stores we think we can trust, such as Banana Republic. LOL. Seriously. I feel you.

      I sincerely hope I don't look back and feel I was trying too hard on my blog! There has been an outfit or two that I kind of regret now, so I'm sure it'll be a full-on-cringe mode a year from now, haha. Oh dear. This is what we get for posting all our outfits on the Internet. ;)

  20. You are definitely not alone! Sometimes we don't give ourselves enough credit I think - this look is classic and the color of the shoes and the bag definitely add enough personality to make this a look people will notice! :)

    Jess - J's Style

  21. ME TOO! I'm on the blazer hunt also and I've been searching high and low for what seems like forever. Yours is perfect!

  22. I think the outfit is great! I know what you mean about feeling pressure to put on something great to blog. I usually only post one outfit a week, so I just make it the best thing I wore that week :)

    I recently bought a white blazer and I am looking for new ways to wear it. I love the classic look you've got going on... I might just copy :)
