

Fitness Friday Link-Up!

I'm linking up again with Desirae @ Going with the flow! Here is my Weekly Workout Log for this past week:

Saturday - Rest
Sunday - 45 min. cardio (arc trainer)
Monday - 30 min. cardio (arc trainer), arms + lower body
Tuesday - Rest
Wednesday - 50 min. cardio (25 min. arc trainer, 25 min. run)
Thursday -  30 min. cardio (run) + lower body
Friday - Planning on resting today because I have work and haven't had a lot of time to spend with Matt this week. If it weren't going to be 10 degrees tonight, I'd love to get a walk in, but such is winter. Freezing and awful and punishment.

Looking back, I wish I'd done more cardio this week, but it's been hard getting myself to the gym this week. It's been ridiculously rainy and snowy all week, and all I talk about all day with Matt is how I just want it to be warm enough to ride bikes or walk around outside. In the summer, Matt and I would go on walks probably 2-3 times a week, walking anywhere from 3-5 miles each time. It was so nice to have that time without distractions and to just be able to talk and enjoy the warm nights. Gah! Only about a month left until it's warm enough to at least not get caught in a snow drift on the side of the road. Hopefully.

One thing I've been really enjoying lately though, as I mentioned a bit last week, is lifting weights!

Me, at the gym, lookin' crazy. But lifting!
I've always been afraid of lifting weights. I think a lot of girls are, for the same reason: we're afraid of "bulking up". But I love the effect that lifting has been giving my body. I'm definitely toning up everywhere! And I still lost a pound and a half this week, when I anticipated that I wouldn't drop weight for a couple weeks due to me gaining some muscle. I really encourage you ladies to not only do cardio, but lift weights as well! Squats on this machine and lunges with weights are my favorite. Gotta get that butt into shape.. though it may be hard to believer with all this gross weather, spring and summer aren't too far away!

 The only rules are to make sure you are a follower of the host(s). 
Please make sure you are linking up a specific blog post, and not just your blog ;]
If you are interested in co-host, shoot an email to


You're Awesome.

Top: Target, from a friend
Purse: Love Culture, $20
Pants: Forever 21, $23
Shoes: Old Navy, $17
Bracelets: Forever 21

You know what's awesome? Posting on my blog after four days and being met with an ambush of comments saying that all you ladybugs do remember me, do like me, and were even concerned that I'd fallen into a hole and died (okay, so that was just Fran, but I feel the love).

I love having a blog. I love having a creative outlet and having this little part of the Internet that can be mine, but the reason I came out of my blog-lurking ways and created my own blog was to get this kind of community, one where I can find ladies with similar interests and make friends. I don't think I've ever seen such a fun, sweet and interesting bunch of ladies in my life like that ones I've come across in the blogging world. Where were you all when I was in high school?! We could've been friends, and wore chains on our pants and dyed our hair black together (oh, you didn't go through a gothic stage? Dang..).

Okay, so mushy stuff aside... I need your help again. I know, I just don't know when to stop, do I? I can't get dressed anymore without you guys. 

So the question today is, what the heck do I do with this top?

It's like George Washington and a floral curtain had a baby and I'm wearing it. I inherited this shirt after my old roommate bought it for herself and it was too big. I have struggled to wear it since. The only way I've been able to wear it and not feel like one giant ruffle hotdog is to tuck the bottom half of the shirt into a black pencil skirt. But I was trying to stay away from that obvious combo by... pairing it with black cropped pants instead. Genius, aren't I? At least I belted it this time.

And when all else fails, magenta purse. Always saves the day. No?



Hello there.

Hello my dear friends. I've been gone for nearly 4 days. Did you miss me? Do you remember me? I'm the blogger who incessantly wears pink, complains about winter and steals ideas from her blog friends. Even after all that, you still stayed? I'm honored.

What I've been doing since Friday:
  • Working
  • Singing at church for hours
  • So many errands and appointments.
  • Finally getting my last name changed. Only took 5 months of marriage. Whoops.
  • Not blogging because my husband is cute & distracting

Also, Gossip Girl may have had something to do with this. Or a lot to do with this.

But back to blogging! Hi, look, I put on clothes for you all.

Just kidding. The reason I put on clothes was for work. But you guys were a close second.

Blazer: H&M, $30
Top: H&M, $30
Jeans: Rue 21, $9
Heels: Target, $15
Bag: Target, $9

I wanted a white blazer for a year before finally purchasing this one earlier this summer. At first I really enjoyed the short length of the jacket, but it makes styling it rather annoying at times. It looks lovely when paired with a dress, but just short when paired with pants. But I liked it with this extra long black tunic. 

I also spent ten minutes inside my closet trying to decide what else to pair with this outfit because it "just looked too boring to go on the blog".  But after throwing around all my jewelry and scarves, I gave up. Because this is what I wanted to wear, and if I wasn't blogging, this is what I would've contentedly walked out of the house wearing. Even if I am missing a scarf or a statement necklace. 

Anyone else ever feel pressured to impress because you're a style or fashion blogger? Please tell me I'm not the only one who's boring by design... ;)


Fitness Friday Link-Up!

Linking up with Desirae @ Going With The Flow today! This is a fitness, health & weight loss link up that I heard about through the hot mama Kristine @ Heart Shaped Sweat (go check her out.. she's seriously a babe). I thought I'd take the opportunity to link up because this week I've been working on re-vamping my diet, since it's been a little bit off since the holidays (though I haven't gained any weight!). I've had several people ask about my diet/workout routines, so here's a little snippet of what the past week looked like!

Here's my weekly workout log since last Saturday:

Saturday: 30 min. cardio on the arc trainer, weight training for arms & legs/glutes
Sunday: Off
Monday: 30 min. cardio on the arc trainer, weight training for arms & legs/glutes
Tuesday: 45 min. cardio on the arc trainer
Wednesday: Off
Thursday: 45 min. run
Friday: Today's plan includes the P90x ab ripper x video, 30-45 minutes of cardio and weight training for arms & legs/glutes.

For anyone who does not know, this is what an arc trainer looks like:
It's kinda like an elliptical but kinda not. And definitely gets me working harder than an elliptical.

My "weight training" generally includes a few machines at the gym for arms (I have no idea what the machine's are.. I'll try to figure it out when I go there today!), a few for legs (specifically my thighs and hamstrings, cuz this girl's thunder thighs are no joke),  squats (with the barbell & 40lbs of weight) and lunges (with two 9-lb weights in hand).

It's very easy for me to just spent all my time doing cardio. In my head, burning calories = turning into a thin, toned Victoria's Secret model. But, it turns out it doesn't work like that. Right before my wedding, I dropped down to about 6 pounds lighter than what I am right now, and to look at photos of myself from the night before the wedding, I realized that my arms look a little bony at some angles and my knees looked knobby, etc. Not cute!

Having lost a total of 50 pounds at this point, I am very proud of myself and know that I am healthy and at a healthy weight. But I would like to trim a few more pounds off, and definitely want to tone up! I want to be strong and fit! And though I'm no stranger to running and elliptical-ing, I'm definitely a beginner when it comes to lifting weights, and I'm still learning and adjusting to my body's needs. And pro advice is more than welcome for sure. Ahem, Kristine.

Lastly, I leave you with my favorite workout partner:

Like I need any help deterring me from a workout. Move it or lose it, Kitty.

This is a fitness, health, weight-loss, and everything related in between. Link up your weigh-ins, your healthy recipes, your work outs, and any other fitness related posts. Make sure you are a follower of the host(s). 
Please make sure you are linking up a specific blog post, and not just your blog ;]
In the near future I will have co-hosts, hit me up if you would like to be one!  
Don't forget to check out some of the other blog links! 
Grab a button and attach it to your post or add it to your blog

xoxo, Gossip Girl

Blazer: H&M, $50
Top: Forever 21, old
Jeans: Love Culture, $20
Shoes: Payless, $20
Necklace: Rue 21, $5

I don't have much to say because I'm too busy watching Gossip Girl on Netflix (told you) on my day off. But Happy Friday y'all, please enjoy a few photos of my stripper heels, fresh blonde highlights and the cheesy smile that ensued after my photographer said "Baby, you're so beautiful!"

He's a sweetie.



Blazer: H&M, $50
White top: H&M, $18
Skirt: Old Navy, $20
Tights: Hue, old
Leg Warmers: Wet Seal, old
Boots: Old Navy, $30
Watch: Guess, gift

Do you know what -12 degree weather calls for? Layers. Lots and lots of layers. And my new favorite sweater, obviously. This outfit consists of three tops, a skirt, two pairs of tights, leg warmers, and boots. All that trouble just to go sit in an office all day. But after realizing that our heat at home refused to creep up past 60 even when we set it for 70, I wasn't taking any chances. 

I'm done with winter. Absolutely positively stinkin' done. I'm going to Atlanta in 12 days and it's all I can think about. It'll probably only be about 50-60 degrees while I'm there, but I'll take what I can get. Winter is making me do crazy things. Like start watching Gossip Girl on Netflix. No I have not ever seen this show and yes, I know it is probably trash and YES, I KNOW I'M GONNA BE SUCKED IN FOREVER.

Summer.. please come soon. My mental sanity rides on it.


I get by with a little help from my friends.

Sweater: Forever 21, $6
Top: H&M, $18
Pants: Forever 21, $23
Necklace: Old Navy, $4
Heels: Old Navy, $17
Watch: Rue 21, $10

I must give credit to where credit is due. I saw Sam @ Sam ipsa Loquitur wearing a sweater very similar to this, and I'm still riding the wave of Mo @ See Mo Go's suggestion to wear magenta with navy (or just plain ol' blue, in this case). Where would I be without fellow bloggers?

Also, I'm sorry if all I ever wear is shades of this vibrant color. Is this color even "in" anymore? I can't stop wearing it. I can't. I can't. I can't. But what would you do, if you found this sweater, in your size, sitting in the clearance rack at Forever 21 for $6? WHAT WOULD YOU DO?! You'd buy it, take it home and blog about it, if you have any sense about you. Probably.

I give you this photo of me looking down to showcase my

a) Eyeshadow
b) Lip gloss - Revlon's Super Lustrous lip gloss in Pink Pop 
c) Grown-in hair roots. This was pre-operation-fix-highlights. They're doing much better now.
d) Awesome, slicked back, hasn't-been-washed-in-four-days hair. I dedicate this hair style to dry shampoo, and the day before I got my highlights touched up.

Also, these pictures are from a few days ago, when we had a lovely 30+ degree day (we have low standards here in Michigan), but just to give you an idea of what I'm facing today...:

So if anyone's curious as to what I'm wearing today, it will be seven of these, layered.



Ginny from My New Favorite Outfit (one of my favorite bloggers!) tagged me in this fun reflection post about 2012. 2012 was literally one of the hardest but absolute greatest years of my life, and it was a joy to remember a few moments by answering these questions!

One of me & Matt's engagement photos.
Favorite Makeup: Oh, so many makeup discoveries this year! I'd have to say my favorite was the Lorac Pro Palette. It's got 20 neutral shades, half matte and half shimmery. The quality is fantastic and has every neutral color a girl could need on a regular basis. Love it! Honorary mention goes to Revlon Colorstay's Liquid Eye Pen for forever changing how easily I can manage my daily winged liner.

Favorite Book: You know what book gets better every time I read it? The Bible. :) I didn't get a chance to read many books in 2012 outside of the Bible and whatever books were given to me to read when I was in ministry school, but one that I reread last year that I loved was Battlefield of the Mind by Joyce Meyer. Such a fantastic book about anxiety and the mind battles the enemy tries to use to keep you from living the life you were meant to. I will reread this book every year.

Favorite Song/Album: Yours Forever by Dara Maclean is the only song coming to mind, because the first time I heard it on the radio this summer, I knew I was going to play it during my wedding. So beautiful.

Favorite Movie: Matt and I watch a lot of movies and I rarely remember the titles of them, but one in particular that I loved was Hysteria. It starred Maggie Gyllenhaal and was a hilarious and insightful movie regarding modern psychology in the 1800s, specifically a mental problem which people at that time regarded as female hysteria. I am a fiend for anything related to psychology, and this movie was just very well done. Also, I saw it on my honeymoon, so that may have affected my feelings toward it. :)

One Thing You're Grateful For: If I can only choose one thing, I'll avoid the obvious (HUBS!) and state something else: my health. I had a few minor health issues toward the end of 2011, and dealt with a couple other issues this year. But I'm doing much better now, and I am grateful to be healthy, to not have any issues I have to deal with daily, and to have a well-functioning body.

Greatest Challenge: Losing 20 pounds! I've struggled with my weight all my life. I decided that this was the year that I lost the weight I wanted to lose. I knew I was not functioning at 100% health-wise and I was sick of thinking of "one day" when I'd be the weight I want to be. It was so difficult staying on track and eating food that I used to hate, but I am so glad I did this for myself. Looking better is the least of the rewards that losing 20 pounds has done for me. I feel better and healthier than ever!

Looking Forward to in 2013: So many things! Visiting Atlanta in two weeks for a conference with my husband, continuing to reach more health and fitness goals (I'm beginning to run a lot more and can finally run for 20-30 minutes without stopping.. big achievement for me!), and many new adventures with my husband in our first full year of marriage!

Now to tag a few gals... let's hear your greatest hits of 2012!

Mo @ See Mo Go
Jenna @ Demure in Diamonds
Elizabeth Anne @ Mrs. Parrett



Cardigan: Charlotte Russe, $16
Dress: Forever 21, $18
Belt: Love Culture, $6
Purse: Love Culture, $20
Necklace: Windsor, $8
Tights: Hue
Boots: Rue 21, $12

Did you really think you'd go for longer than a few days without seeing this bag again? Well then you thought wrong. The last time I wore this bag, I asked you all to give me ideas on how to pair this bright color with the right colors in my wardrobe, and my darling curly-headed friend Mo from See Mo Go said navy. Upon reading that, I immediately thought "I will go to the mall and buy all the navy things." But I figured I'd go through my closet first, just in case I already owned something navy. Which was not likely, because I'm kind of afraid of navy. Don't ask. I don't have a good answer.

Turns out that I did have one, solitary navy item in my closet: a dress from Forever 21 from a few summers ago. As I mentioned, I've never really been into navy, but when you find a dress from Forever 21 that's length-appropriate, you don't ask questions or consult the color, you just buy it. It's actually a very nice summer dress with a ruffle neckline and spaghetti straps, but I had definitely written it off until at least May. 

But then I remembered colored tights. Colored tights made their way out of my wardrobe the day I wore magenta tights and Matt's eyes got all squinty-eyed, and he said I looked like I had a disease. You don't have to squint at me twice; colored tights were apparently a no go around Matt. But I pulled them out again, and Matt didn't even squint. Much. And he said I looked cute. I mean, I had to ask "How do I look?" and heavily hint that "cute" was the right answer, but I married a smart man... :)


Ipsy bag January 2013

Another day, another beauty bag. For those of you who are newer to my blog (hi!), you may not know that not only do I subscribe to Birchbox, but I also subscribe to Ipsy. What can I say? I'm a fiend for beauty products and like to pretend that it's not ridiculous to spend $20 a month on, essentially, samples.

Click below to see what I got this month! 


Birchbox January 2013

It's that time of the month again! No, not that time... Birchbox time! Click below to see the goods!



Blazer: H&M, $50
Top: H&M, $18
Skirt: Banana Republic, $20
Shoes: Forever 21, $20

I posted this photo on Facebook, bragging on my beginner-turned-awesome photographer husband. I really am very impressed at how good he's getting! But I eventually took this photo down after comments like "OOOH SEXUAL" and "Am I old enough to be seeing this?" Sigh. I suppose there's something about a woman on a dryer that's just so sexual. BUT I'M WEARING SO MANY CLOTHES! I AIN'T TRYNA BE SEXUAL!

Also, who likes my too-tight shirt? Oh... it's kinda sexual? And me being on the dryer makes it downright inappropriate? Dang. Maybe that guy was right. But I'll have you know, the shirt fits well when I'm standing. And that's how I tried it on, obviously. I didn't mean to walk out of the store with a shirt that looks like I can't wait to give someone a show. 

This whole post is starting to make me feel awkward.

On a safer note, I remembered seeing Kendi from Kendi Everyday sporting a necklace with her husband's initial on it. When Matt & I were on our honeymoon, I spotted this necklace with the initial of my new last name on it, and I just couldn't pass it up. So there you go. I'm a copy cat, and occasionally unknowingly risqué, but Matt loves me, and I look good in skirts, so.... yeah.

Also: I got nominated for the Liebster Award two more times this week, guys! By Staci @ Leather and Leops and the lovely gal behind fashion beauty quest. Man, if only the kids from middle school could see me now... I can't even take credit for the awesomeness. This is all you guys.

NARS Foreplay Blush Palette Review!

Say hello to my first NARS product ever, the NARS Foreplay Blush Palette! To say that I'm excited is a complete understatement. I've heard so many good things about NARS products, especially their blushes, so I was anxious to try this product out. I can't usually justify the prices of their individual blushes ($28... it's just so steep! Especially when MAC blushes are only $20, or $17 without packaging, and I haven't even made the jump for that yet). But three blushes and a highlighter for $49 when I have a Sephora gift card from my mom? Yes, please. 

To see my review of this product, click "read more" below!


Love for Magenta

Top: Gap, $9
Bottoms: Gap, $35
Booties: Forever 21, $22
Purse: Love Culture, $20
Scarf: Rue 21, $10

Things I'm grateful for:

a) 50 degree days in the dead of winter
b) Treadmills and diet ice cream 
c) The makers of this magenta cross-shoulder bag

I literally have been planning my outfits lately around this purse. It's just so bright and fun during these gray and snowy winter days. Turns out that not a lot matches well with magenta, except for black, gray and white. That's actually probably not accurate at all, but that's all my brain has come up with. Maybe that's what you all can do for me. What, you think you can read my blog for free? No, it's up to you to come up with original content for me to post and claim as my own original content. I'd say it's a fair price to continue watching me post mediocre outfits and talk about my husband and my job.

Also, I've been nominated (AGAIN!) for the Liebster Award by Angela at Selfless Ambition. That's two in one week, my friends! I will not be answering the questions or nominating anyone this time because I'm sure last week's questions were more than enough private information about Lynette than anyone wants to know. But I did have a moment like this for getting two nominations in one week:


New Revlon Photoready BB Cream Review!

I'm back with another review, for another foundation (BB cream?), also by Revlon! What can I say: I love a good drugstore foundation, and Revlon is one of the only ones who have yet to disappoint in that area.

I've tried a couple BB creams before, but they were always high-end, so like $30+. I just don't like having to spend that much money on something I'm not going to use everyday. Because when it comes to foundation, I tend to wear something medium coverage and long lasting like Revlon's Colorstay Foundation. BB Creams aren't usually more than light coverage, and generally not too long-lasting. But for a retail price of about $10.99, I figured this BB cream was a risk I could take.

That being said, I bought this product with some doubts but with an understanding of what this BB Cream was supposed to do, which, according to the Revlon website, is this:

-Hydrates like a moisturizer
-Smooths like a primer
-Covers like a foundation
-Blurs flaws like concealer
-Protects with SPF 30 like sunscreen

So how did this BB cream deliver? Click "Read More" below to find out!


Target Clearance Shoes?!

 What're you doing tonight after work? Nothing? Good. So you can run to your nearest Target and shop to your hearts content. Or until you run out of money, I guess.

So I was wandering around Target this morning in a sleepy, stumbling state of exhaustion, picking up a few things and ignoring the 23432 other things I need to do, like check my e-mail and make about a dozen phone calls and shower (for the first time in three days).

Well that might've been TMI, but you'll thank me now for refusing to shower like a normal human, because I came across this:


Almost every single normal shoe shelf was empty, and just about every gorgeous, sequined, jewel-toned, animal-print shoe was on the clearance wall, 50% off. I did not see a single shoe for more than $17, and I saw them as low as $9. Since all the normal shelves were empty, I'm assuming these little beauties just got moved over within the last day in order to make room for spring arrivals.

Just thought you all should know! There's a ton of clearance action happenin' at Target right now, but these shoes were too good to share. For all you curious cats, these were the two I was trying to decide between:

I really, really loved those magenta ones, because that's definitely a color I can't get enough of right now, but these darker raspberry heels were definitely something that would more seamlessly fit into my wardrobe, so for $14.98, these little babies hopped into my arms and came home with me.

So go to Target and buy every shoe. That is all.


50 Shades of Sleepiness

Top: Old
Skirt: Old Navy, $20
Heels: Old Navy, $17
Purse: Love Culture, $20
Scarf: Gift from a friend

Friends... I'm tired this week. So tired that putting on clothes with buttons is a task I'm not ready to face in the morning. My solution? A super stretchy skirt and a shirt usually reserved for sleeping in. Oh, and a scarf, to cover up the sleep-drool stains. Just kidding, I don't drool.

Just kidding. I do.

The good news is, I recently have fallen madly in love with anything fuschia or magenta, and when I saw this little purse hanging in the clearance rack at Love Culture for $20, I knew it would come in handy for a day when buttons (and clothing in a color other than gray or black) was not going to happen. I was right!

Also, bright pink lipstick does the trick, too.