

Fog & Airplanes

Blue top: H&M, $19
Sweater: Forever 21, old
Jeans: Love Culture, $20
Shoes: Forever 21, $20
Bracelets: Wet Seal & Forever 21

I swear I do not normally intend to post outfits literally every day as I have in the last few days. I definitely want this blog to be about more than just what I wear but I'm still sort of feeling stuff out. Yanno? In any case. Here is a few photos of me wearing clothes. Exciting, isn't it?

It was an astounding 60 degrees here in Michigan a few days ago. Which for us mid-westerners, means we think it's summer and we roll up the hems of our jeans. YOLO, right?!

I felt like I was walking around naked without my trusty blazer (the uniform, remember?). But I faced my fear with a sweater with little planes all over it. Almost cozy enough to forget about my blazer! :)

And just because I want to be honest, I have to post this picture to let you know that I do not walk to my photo locations wearing the painful-looking shoes you see me photographed in:


Whew. Glad I got that off my chest. ;)

So what about you guys? What was the goal for your blog when you started it and has it been easy to maintain it? Let me know! Blogging is new to me, and I'm still trying to make connections with you guys. :)


  1. Seriously cute look! I love those distressed jean!

    1. Thanks! When I bought them I wondered if jeans with that many holes should be limited to high schoolers and homeless people, but I went with my gut. Which told me to do what I want and wear what I want. ;)

  2. Love this look! That sweater is so cute and looks perfect with the ripped jeans. I have family in Grand Rapids and they said the weather has been crazy there lately.


    Fashion and Beauty Finds

    1. Thanks! :) and yes, Michigan weather is crazy, but if it brings me a 60 degree day in December, I'm on team Michigan. :)

  3. Love that sweater! Blogging def. takes a bunch of time, but I am still loving it (Ive been at it for about 6 months now).

    1. Thanks! And it definitely is time consuming, but it's a really nice creative outlet :)

  4. I love your sweater! Your outfit is adorable, and I am loving the fog backdrop. I am a newbie blogger as well, but my site is more to keep people up to date about my products. I try to post about once a week. I do not have enough time to post daily (or have enough pictures. But I am envious of people that do. You put what you want into it, and get that much back!

    xoxo Sarah Beth

    Caring Cowls

  5. That sweater is the CUTEST! And I love your jeans :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. That airplane print is so cute! I admit I sometimes wear heels for the blog and change into other shoes later too :) Thanks for stopping by my blog, I'm following you now with Bloglovin!

    The Tiny Heart

    1. I usually am pretty good about wearing heels all day, but walking around outside in heels is a doozy!
      Thanks for the follow! I'm following you as well! :)

  8. Super cute sweater and layering! The distressed denim and heels are a fun combo as well. It's nice to know you are not the only one that switches out shoes for photo shoots :)

  9. I love your sweater!
    This look is styled to perfection!

    >> <<

  10. I absolutely LOVE your blog!! I am so glad you commented on mine so I could find yours! I just looked through your whole blog and it is so fun and cute! I will definitely be following! And this outfit is amazing! I totally think you need to keep posting outfit pics!

    1. Thank you! :) I sooo appreciate this comment, sweet lady!

  11. I look amazing and you are doing an amazing job for being new to blogging.

  12. Oh my goodness you have thee BEST style!! It is totally like mine!! I swear we could be twins our tastes are so similar ;) I love the airplanes on your sweater!! It's funny because I couldn't decided whether to comment on this post or the one about the leopard bag, because LEEEEEEOPARD is my ultimate fave, I just wish we had a Target close by so I could've ran right over! And BTW I love your whole blog, & your outfit posts are awesome, keep it up! Excited to be a new follower, hop on over to mine & see if you'd like to follow :))


    1. AHHHHH I have a serious, contagious and dangerous love of all things leopard print. I honestly feel you can never have enough. That is not a professional or wise fashion judgement, but it's mine! LOL! And thank you sooo much for the sweet comment!! :) I will definitely be following! :)

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